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What is the bus schedule in Akureyri?
Note that when you have arrived in Akureyri all transportation with the city buses are for free. The bus schedule covers a time-frame from 6.28 am till 22.36 pm all weekdays and during weekends from 12.18 till 18.55. Exceptions are on public holidays, for further information see City buss time schedule.Where is Akureyri located?
Akureyri is the largest town in Iceland outside the larger capital city area. It is one of the most beautiful towns in Iceland with a long history of trading activity, industrial ventures, and fishing. Akureyri has always been a culturally conscious community and has some of the most spectacular old houses in Iceland.How to get from Akureyri to Reykavik?
Strætó offers scheduled bus tours - route57 - between Akureyri and Reykavik (and vice versa). Departure from Akureyri are outside the Cultural house Hof by Strandgata 12 (the bus stop is marked). The route takes about 6 hrs. Time schedule for all Public buses can be found on the companies webpage or by phone (+354) 540 2700.Why is Akureyri called kristna?
According to the sagas, his farmstead was named Kristna (Christ's Peninsula). He is then rightfully regarded as Akureyri’s founding father; he is to the north what Ingólfur Arnarson is to Iceland’s capital, Reykjavík. Exactly when the name "Akureyri" began its popular usage, no one is exactly sure.